Best Sheds for Perth and the West Coast
The ‘Best Shed for Perth and the west Coast” is not the product that your local supplier just happens to stock. The best shed for Perth is one that is built to Australian Standards and is not going to get damaged or blown away with the first freak cyclone. This post is much more than advertising a product – it shows you how to test your shed!
We all read in April 2021 of Tropical Cyclone Seroia. With the way the climate is changing, this ‘freak’ cyclone was maybe more of an expectation than we will admit!
Here is one news extract from April 2021 in ‘The Conversation” :-
Tropical Cyclone Seroja
“Tropical Cyclone Seroja battered parts of Western Australia’s coast on Sunday night. It badly damaging buildings and leaving thousands of people without power” ……… “data show(s) cyclones of this intensity rarely travel as far south as this one did. In fact, it has happened only 26 times in the past 5,000 years. Severe wind gusts hit the towns of Geraldton and Kalbarri – towns not built to withstand such conditions.”
Hundreds of sheds, carports and other steel building were damaged or destroyed but the question is would this have happened if the best Sheds for Perth and WA had been installed?
The answer is probably “NO, this amount of damage would not have occurred!”
The Shed Health Test
In developing sheds and carports capable of taking an additional load of 20kg per square metre on the roof to allow the retrofit of Solar panels on a shed roof, Professional Choice Sheds made some remarkable discoveries.
Working with some the best engineers in Australia, they discovered that to make a shed or carport strong enough to take solar panels, on average their sheds were coming in at over 40% more mass (heavier) than almost all other sheds in Australia.

Surprise finding you can use to find the best shed.
On further investigation as to why they were so much stronger, it was discovered that nearly all existing steel sheds are not built to Australian Standards. Sheds available fell into 2 categories: –
- Manufacturers using cheap imported mild steel from China, South Korea and India
- Manufacturers using much stronger high tensile Australian made steel.
It was surprising to find that many were rating inferior mild steel much the same as high quality, heavier high tensile Australian steel. They failed the Australian Standards Test!
Even those using Australian Steel, (even some of our best-known companies), were sometimes breaking their own installation rules. They were not using enough steel to keep the deflection (or sag) within Australian Standards.
It’s now quite simple for you to check the best sheds for Perth and the West Coast, simply by comparing your quote to the independent shed health test by clicking here.
Summary – Best sheds for Perth and the West Coast
… If you really want to know more about why Professional Choice Sheds will always be the best, just click here. It’s not just marketing hype, “The Best Sheds for Perth and the West Coast” the proof for you is here.
You have over 43 choices and accessories with Professional Choice Sheds® from the obvious – dimensions and colour – to solar ready and mezzanines. Have a look at your shed guide by clicking here for some further ideas!