Mezzanines – Mezzanine Floor Kit Delivered to Your Design
Professional Choice Sheds® are the go to solution for businesses looking to make the most of their industrial building, farm shed, barn or warehouse space. These mezzanine floors are made to the highest Australian Standards. You can have any storage class: – light, medium or heavy-duty, for the right storage solution for your business.
Not many mezzanine floors will have a vibration maximum of just 2mm. This requires enough steel of the right strength to match the Australian Standards. Check out a design and quote from Professional Choice against other suppliers and you will easily see the difference in the Professional Choice engineering quality.
Mezzanines are custom designed in any shape or size you require.

Why Add a Mezzanine Floor? – Mezzanines
Mezzanine floors are structures constructed out of steel that create a second floor inside your existing space. This allows you to increase the available storage area in your warehouse, create a second floor for an office or double your business’ floor space without having to look for a new location.
The Professional Choice® mezzanine floor kit designs are free standing structures, engineered and fabricated in your local city to Australian standards. They are high quality steel structures that will last and can be used to provide your business with the added space it needs over the long term.
The fully comprehensive plans are the best available. Each joint has a Q-Reader video to assist in installation. They are a very cost-effective solution that make DIY installation easy.
Designed to your exact requirements, with a all weight classes to choose from and the choice of DIY installation. A Professional Choice Sheds® Mezzanine gives you the most cost-effective solution for your storage needs.
Indicative prices, (450mm joist centres does not include flooring)
Small – Around 15 square metres $260 per square metre.
Medium around 50 square metres $200 per square metre
Large – Around 80+ square metres $150 per square metre
Professional Choice Mezzanine Floor Kit Difference
Perfect for the busy business owner or farmer who wants to save and install in the shed or barn. Ideal, least cost option, for the business looking for more space.
Your success is in our preparation. Your Professional Choice Sheds Mezzanine project will all run like a well-oiled machine. No ‘Top Hats” are used – you’d needs so many Top Hats to keep within the 2mm vibration Australian Standards limit it would just be silly!
Any design to suit, it does not need to be a perfect square or rectangle.

Mezzanines – Mezzanine Floor Kit Construction Documentation Set includes:
- The Bill of Materials so you can make sure everything is on site before sending the crew. No wasted man-hours;
- Engineering Designs & Connection Details that set a new benchmark for the industry. No lost time trying to figure out how a detail works, or worse, having to improvise;
- The Production Drawings for all members; &
- The Engineering Certificate.
- Having clearly marked parts saves you time. During transit, if a mark on a part gets obscured or damaged, you can use the Production Drawings to identify the part.
Connection Details are one per page – clear, uncluttered and easy to understand. If anything is obscured simply scan the QR Code with any smartphone camera and watch the video for that connection. This means there will be no confusion, no mistakes and no downtime.
The documentation is thorough, precise and designed by people who have actually built with steel.
Please Note for Mezzanine Floor Kit Quote Requests
The most important measurement we need is the dimensions inside of column to inside of column in your shed or warehouse. If you say, for example “It’s a 15×10 shed”, we’d assume you mean the concrete slab area – not the area you have to work with for assembling a mezzanine. Please be aware of any knee braces (on less expensive builds, these can be half way up a wall) or mullions – particularly at the gable end.
In other words, we need the exact measurements of the floor area you have to work in for your mezzanine – not the distance from wall to wall..
Choices for your Custom Design Mezzanines
In-Plane or Joist over bearer? – In-Plane gives a better ‘clean’ finish for just a few dollars more.
Joist Centres – either 450 or 600 – 600 will be less expensive but will require the equivalent of Red Tongue particle board – 450 would require the equivalent of the cheaper yellow tongue so not much difference in finished price.
- Footing Brackets – Cast in, Base plate or Brackets – we recommend base plates for most jobs.
- Wide span or Deep span is available for easy vehicle entry underneath as well as our cheapest option.
- Load rating – your choice of light, medium or heavy – 3kpa is our recommendation for most purposes but its easy to go less or up to 10kpa.
- Hand rail and stairs – your choice – our high quality stairs can be easily substituted for cheaper options from your local Hardware store.
- Structural wall support – easily done if you have a wall capable of taking the weight.

Australian Standards on Mezzanine floors
Deflection limits are extremely important and often ignored by many disreputable installers and manufacturers. Your floor should have a 2mm vibration maximum which would be virtually impossible to achieve using Tophat or low-gauge mild steel. Make sure you are buying the best and strongest by checking your quote with the Smart Buyer’s Guide. When loads are applied, the floor can bend slightly. Australian Standards are enforced for mezzanine building but they are frequently disregarded. A professional, competent business like Professional Choice Sheds® will assist you in determining what your requirement demands are, then explain their proposal with their quote.
Again, if you have a steel shed or warehouse, it has barely the strength to carry its own weight. Do not allow the use of brackets against already over-stretched beams. This happens with a cheap mezzanine build. It’s OK to fix to existing structural walls. Your Australian high tensile steel mezzanine should be ‘stand alone” and this is what you get with Professional Choice Sheds®