NCC Compliancy
Accredited & National Construction Code (NCC) Compliant, Does your shed or carport really have NCC compliancy?
Deflection, Raking Force and Structual design determine if your shed will last and survive any storm in your area.
Sufficient 100% Australian-made high tensile steel of the correct gauge ensures you have a structure to meet Australian Standards. It is estimated that over 500,00 sheds in Australia have been sold without meeting the minimum Standards. Many large shed manufacturers do not use strong enough steel and enough steel to ensure Australian Standards are met!
You have no problems with Professional Choice Sheds.
Check out the links below. These show the minimum necessary in steel, guage and bracing you need for your shed.

NCC compliancy – Are you getting what you paid for?
For years, most Aussie shed businesses have been on a race to the bottom trying to offer cheaper and cheaper sheds. This has been done at the expense of quality and strength. Certifiers have been able to ‘hide’ behind their complex calculations, too difficult for most to understand. Now, it’s easy for anyone to check for Australian Standards with the Shed Health Test – no more hiding! Make sure you buy the best – or at the very least, a shed that is Australian Standards compliant.
Experience in developing solar-ready sheds and carports has cast doubt on most steel structures being sold and installed in Australia. At the very least, check the span and strength of your Top hats, (top hats are used for roof purlins or wall grits). In most cases Top Hats should not be used at all, they are an inferior cheap replacement for steel beams. They span between portals and other structural framing elements. They are inappropriately used in applications where there is a high wind loading or where heavy duty sheeting is to be installed). A deflection, (bend or sag), of 10mm over 3m is all that is permitted by Australian Standards. Most sheds we know of, are NOT deflection compliant. Try the Top Hat Span Test to ensure your quote is compliant and therefore covered by your insurance!

If your shed is not up to Australian Standards be careful!
If you already have a quote for your new steel building, we strongly recommend that you check the engineering here at this independent site Unless its Professional Choice®, you will probably find that your choice is not up to Australian Standards.
Professional Choice Custom Steel Sheds and Carports can be up to 40% heavier than similar structures in Australia – Sheds, carports, carports, sheds, garages
Professional Choice® design and use of steel is as efficient as it can possibly be. Our structures are heavier than all on the market – You can work out why?
FAQ's - Is my Shed Complient
Sheeting:– Colorbond state in their material specification documents that sheets should not be attached to any steel less than 0.75mm or less BMT (Base Metal Thickness). . Most sheds or garages are using cheaper Chinese imported sheeting, stronger sheds use TRIMDEK or CUSTOM ORB. Manufacturer specification is that it must NOT be attached to steel of less than 1mm BMT. If the framing is exceptionally close (400mm-450mm which is unlikely), they do not meet manufacturer specification. They are therefore not meeting NCC compliance – no matter what the engineering certification says.
Structural Steel:- There is a big difference in the quality high tensile steel made in Australia and the much cheaper mild steel imported from China, India or Korea. Most of the larger shed manufacturers use cheaper imported steel. Mild steel does not have the strength and is lighter than quality Australian steel.
Australian high tensile steel may look similar to an imported equivalent. However, the Australian high tensile steel is many times the strength of the cheaper mild steel import. Look for Certified Australian G450-500 High Tensile Steel Columns & Rafters and Certified Australian G450-550 High Tensile Steel Purlins & Girts
No one wants a sag in their roof. The “sag” can be measured in the deflection of the roof. High tensile Australian steel is stronger and a lot less ‘bendable’ than mild steel imports. It’s easy to check the structure you are thinking of purchasing on this independent website No other supplier would encourage you to use this excellent tool!
These are just some points as to why Professional Choice Sheds® is your guarantee that your new installation will meet all Australian Standards.
The unique design and engineering software used, ensures we’re able to customise your carport or shed to the millimetre with absolutely no waste and why they contain more steel than almost all competitors. All buildings are engineered site-specific to ensure they will withstand the specific conditions of your site and you have the peace of mind knowing that they will not be rejected by any possible insurance claim!
You have over 43 choices and accessories with Professional Choice Sheds® from the obvious – dimensions and colour – to solar-ready roof and mezzanine floors. Have a look at your shed guide by clicking here.
After every major storm we see film and photography of damage done to sheds and carports. It should be virtually impossible for any shed or carport to be damaged in a storm in your area if it has been designed properly. The damage should be confined to very old deteriorating buildings. New structures, built truly to the Australian Standards, will always be safe.
Fire, Flood and Wind are the three weather conditions all Australians must consider. We can absolutely guarantee Professional Choice against any wind conditions. In most cases, it is highly likely your Professional Choice structure will withstand the ravages of flood. Finding steel that will not distort and bend in the heat of an Australian bush fire is still beyond even Professional Choice Sheds®.